Fiber splice tray is
used in fiber optic cabling as a protective case for protecting splices from
outside plant environment and damage. Although the design of this device is
simple and it doesn’t contain any technical functions, the splice tray plays an
important part in fiber protecting. In addition, professional and experienced
skill is needed to install and use it.
Using Tips
using fiber splice tray, skill is needed in order to ensure a good performance.
The following tips can give you a good instruction.
- Make sure that the color, loose tube and the fiber number are in the exact sequence specified by the producer.
- Care should be taken when arranging fibers and splices in splice trays, buffer tubes in the splice closure to prevent stress on the fiber.
- Note that all closures must be sealed to prevent moisture entry. As a protection for fiber splices, there is no doubt that fiber splice trays are the best fit and the most cost effective devices. FS.COM provides splice trays to fit individual needs of customers. Each tray is supplied with splice holders that secure and protect both fusion and mechanical splices, also the top cover is included. Trays in FS.COM are designed to accommodate up to 12 splices and 12 adapters. They can be mounted in patch panels or directly into distribution cabinets. Besides, there is A, B, C, D, and so on, four types in different size and a wide range of its capacity of fibers in FS.COM. If you are interested and have any need, FS.COM is a good place to go.